
featured on grey likes baby

Check it out!  My son's birthday had a little mention on Grey Likes Baby:

My son's birthday

Thank you ladies!  I'm SO flattered to be a part of such a lovely blog.


pantone spring 2013 color predictions

I'm loving the Monaco Blue, Grayed Jade and Poppy Red.  Tender Shoots, not so much. 

I'm getting SO many ideas!  Love 'em or hate 'em?

(Image found here)

You can view all Pantone's Spring 2013 predictions here.


emma birth announcement

I'm a nut.  I absolutely love the holidays and I start planning early every year for our annual holiday parties and the shopping. Oh, how much I love Christmas shopping!

I'm also working feverishly on some holiday stationery designs for my shop.  More to come on that later....

I'm also happy to show everyone a new birth announcement style that's now available in the shop.  I'm calling it Emma after a very special two-year old that I know.  This design is perfect for new parents that want a touch of calligraphy on their birth announcements.

I enjoyed every second of designing these and I hope you enjoy too!


grey likes weddings collective

I'm so happy to announce that I'm now part of Grey Likes Weddings' preferred vendors list!  It's invite only to be a part of the blog and I was so flattered to be chosen.

If you are not yet familiar with this lovely blog, you should be.  It's beautiful, inspiring and a feast for the eyes, all the time!

Stop by, say hello and leave a review:

Grey Likes Weddings - Calligraphy

friendsgiving free printable

It's rare that I see free printables that I want to share, but this via The Sweetest Occasion is just stunning!  A black and white banner, it could be used for Halloween or just about any other event.

Check it out:

Friendsgiving Printables