
catch up....

Business at the shop has grown by leaps and bounds this spring!  A very special thanks goes out to each and every client that I've worked with so far this year...

I'm still hard at work on the new site design, being the perfectionist that I am.  Please be patient as I do some spring cleaning and head on over to tineandthread.com to check out the new design, launching in a few short weeks!


a new look for the new year!

New Year's always has me looking forward to the new year ahead.  I reflect on the year that's just passed and I work towards changing things that no longer suit me. 

2012 was a wonderful year.  I became an aunt (again) and so many others around me are having babies.  I am working through some issues with my health, but otherwise, life is so very sweet. Personally and professionally, I've never felt more fulfilled.  Self actualized I suppose you could say!

New designs and concepts are flooding my mind and I'm so very excited for 2013!  Onwards and upwards!  My site will have a new look very soon...


postage rate increase

There's lots of vintage postage in my shop for sale and I found out recently that the USPS is increasing the price to mail an ounce to 46 cents on January 27.  Stock up on those Forever stamps now especially if you are expecting to send a large mailer this year.

The USPS just released some Lady Bird Johnson stamps that are a remake of a design released in the '60's.  The vintage stamps from the '60's are very hard to find and this new Forever stamp is a great alternative.  Here's a link to the USPS store to buy the stamps now:

USPS Store

For more information on the increase, visit:


happy 2013!

I'm hoping that the start of the new year is faring well for everyone...  I know I am excited for 2013 and the changes ahead.  I'm planning new designs for my shop, major design updates to my site and my calendar is already filling up with wedding calligraphy! 

I found out this morning that my 2013 calendar had a little mention on Inside & Out, the Pottery Barn blog!  Check it out:

10 Out of the Ordinary Calendars

I have a sickness for Pottery Barn and am SO excited to have a mention on their blog.  Thanks Pottery Barn!